"A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path." ― Agatha Christie
No matter how much you've planned, prepped or researched having a baby, I now know that nothing can prepare you for motherhood or your new life loving your newborn.
Our days and lives are admittedly more challenging now – between functioning on little sleep, living and working in three hour windows and searching for time to stay on top of Roselyn's cognitive and physical development.
That being said, however, I wouldn't trade this new role for anything – the joy, love and strength that comes from being her mother is truly what continues to drive me each day.
New Life with a Newborn
There are also a few strategies and qualities that we've employed to make our new life with a newborn simpler that we'd like to share:
Motherhood isn't easy. Thankfully, when you have a community of family and friends that you can discuss parenthood with, get support from and rely on, life becomes less complicated.
Shoutout to my community who answers calls and texts in the middle of the night, and doesn't mind talking about Roselyn's feeding and napping strategies at length!
The days are long, but the years are short. Parenthood is all-consuming right now, but we know that our days will get easier and that we'll miss having these moments with our daughter after they've passed, so we're enjoying making memories with her and are continuing to move forward.
Staying flexible is a must!
We learned in our first week home with Roselyn that our days would no longer be as organized as they were or go as planned, and staying flexible has made everyone's lives easier.
Going through birth and pregnancy was humbling, and motherhood has been no exception. Our daughter has completely changed how we view our happiness and success now, and we wouldn't have it any other way.
In addition to caring for a baby, it's important to remember to nourish yourself as well.
I came down with a sickness in the first three weeks of Roselyn's life after not focusing enough on my own health, and it was difficult to care for her and mend myself at the same time. Remember that caring for yourself also benefits your baby!
New Life with a Newborn Products
In addition, there are also products that can make your life with a newborn easier – namely the ones made for feeding and sleeping. We have had great success using:
Mama & Little nursing and teething necklaces, which currently aid the development of Roselyn's vision by allowing her to follow the necklace back and forth evenly and focus on patterns. We'll continue using the necklaces for nursing and teething in the coming months when she becomes more active!
The Philips Avent Soothie pacifier, which comforts Roselyn when she's experiencing IUGR symptoms, and Swaddle Designs muslin swaddles, which she uses every night to rest and not startle herself while sleeping.