
October 8, 2016


15 Week Bumpdate

This week's post is a week behind schedule, but I wanted to share our 15 week bumpdate today – both for our own memories, and for our family and friends who live across the country.

Thank you all for following along with this new voyage of ours!

We're looking forward to sharing these monthly bumpdates with you as we countdown to Baby Burm's arrival.

15 Week Bumpdate

Baby Size: Approximately an avocado! (We're measuring 1-2 weeks ahead of schedule right now).

Clothes: I have been wearing my belly band with my regular pants thus far, but recently found that maternity dresses and pants are much more comfortable, so I am beginning to add them to my collection now as well.

Gender: I’ll be happy either way, but for now we're just enjoying guessing and hearing all the old wives tales about gender. We've heard our baby's heartbeat multiple times now, and keep being told that if the tales are to be believed, it's indicative of a boy. We'll just have to wait and see!

Mood: Grateful and honestly, so very happy. I’m thankful the baby is healthy and that despite our infertility, nothing has affected our pregnancy so far.

Movement: I don't think I’ve felt any solid movement, but I have felt some quickening in the last week. We can't wait to feel our baby!

Sick or Queasy: Yes, the nausea has now followed me into my second trimester... But thankfully, my doctor was able to prescribe me with Diclegis, which has completely changed this pregnancy for the better.

Sleep: Has been great, thus far! I’m still sleeping through the night, despite my bathroom breaks.

Symptoms: My appetite and energy are reemerging now, and I'm so very thankful for that. We were able to visit Soergel Orchards' pumpkin patch this weekend (blog to come soon), and couldn't help but wish the baby were here with us already so we could all take part in our favorite activities of the season.

Wedding Rings: On!

What I Miss: Sleeping comfortably on my stomach in bed.
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