
August 30, 2013


Newlyweds in the Northwest

As soon as Ryan and I visited Seattle in 2011, we knew it was where we wanted to begin our lives together. Neither of us had been to the city before, but we had always been captivated by photos of Mt. Rainier, the Puget Sound and the Northwest. Experiencing it for the first time was unlike anything either of us had imagined.

It’s difficult to put into words unless you've experienced it yourself, but we knew we had found our home. Of course, home at the time was Phoenix. It was what we knew, where the people we loved lived and where we found each other. But when we came to Seattle, everything changed.

We were awash with wonder. Everything about the city spoke to us. It’s streets, it’s people, the weather. Coming to the Northwest was like traveling in a foreign country and finding someone who speaks your language. Immediately, you recognize that you share the same words and you feel relief that you've finally found someone who you can share your experiences with. You feel accepted.

That was how Seattle made us feel.

When we went back to Phoenix, we realized that we could never call anywhere but the Northwest our home. Seattle helped us find a piece of ourselves that we didn’t know was missing and it continued to beckon. Now, a little more than two years from the time we first visited the city, we’re living here.

We’re still in awe of Seattle and we look forward to all of the new things we will experience here. But most of all, we’re happy to be home.
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